Small Business Advice

Artisan Financial Services provide small business advice.

Businesses don’t plan to fail; they fail to plan.

Becoming your own boss is an exciting journey, but it pays to plan ahead to make sure it’s a success.


  • What do I need to think about when starting a new business?
  • What is a small business financial plan?
  • Where should I go to seek advice?
  • Should I insure my business?
  • What are my obligations if I take on employees?
  • What about super for myself?
  • How do I make sure my business will continue without me?
  • What tax concessions apply if I choose to exit my business?


  • Advise on the financial planning aspects of your business plan
  • Review, advise and organise the specialised insurances you need to protect your business and your employees.
  • Advise the superannuation requirements for you and your employees.
  • Recommend superannuation funds or managing a self managed superannuation fund
  • Explain your super obligations for staff.
  • Advise about investing your business profits.
  • Advise on succession planning for your business.
  • Advise on insurances specific to the business needs.

Artisan Financial Services, provide small business advice. Contact us on 08 9388 1404 .

We look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.